It’s a great year for plums. They’re literally dripping off the trees, and bumper harvests are even being left to rot on the trees in kent. If plums are booming, that’s certainly also true for their cousins, damsons and sloes, as I discovered on a recent sojourn through the country lanes of Kings Norton. Fortunately I had come prepared with tupperware galore, so filled my boots with plenty of both. The sloes came in handy for my ‘very early sloe gin’, but I was left with a pound or so of damsons – too many to eat, but not enough to make the effort of jam-making worthwhile. Sorbet it had to be then. Many sorbet recipes call for egg white to help keep the smooth texture, but I thought I’d experiment without. It takes a while to complete, so plan to be home for a good 3 hours. If you want a less-involved sorbet, the ‘quick plum sorbet’ from Jamie at Home is good, and would work equally well with damsons. Anyway, here’s what I did…
500g damsons
120g granulated sugar
300ml water
a slug of gin (optional)
Cut the damsons roughly in half, but don’t bother taking out the stones. Put them in a pan with the water and sugar and boil rapidly for 5-10 mins until tender, and the flesh is falling off the stones. Place a sieve over a bowl and pour the pan contents into it. Push the damson-flesh through the sieve with the back of a spoon until you’re just left with a pile of stones and skins. Do this thoroughly, for about 5-7 mins – you’ll notice the difference in flavour. Add the gin, and whack this in the freezer, setting your timer for 30 mins. After 30 mins whisk the mixture like a crazy thing for 30 seconds. Pop back in the freezer and re-set your timer for 30 mins. Repeat as before 3 more times, until you get to 2 hours. After another 30 mins, get an electric whisk out and buzz it for 5 mins on max. Pop back into the freezer and leave for at least an hour before serving.
A delightful early-autumn pud, hope you enjoy it.
Oops, I got told off for not crediting my Sister – she’s the ice cream queen and taught me how to do this very sorbet. Thanks Sis.
Thanks for that! I mucked up some damson jam this morning and (after sieving) am left with a rather delicious syrup – with nothing to lose I was delighted to find your recipe to try. Will do my best to whisk it in the manner described. Thanks!
Love the blog ! Thanks for the Damson sorbet recipe. I picked 3lb of Damsons Plums (I assume they are as Our Damsons were ready several months ago) this morning from our laden tree and was wondering quite what to do with them. Maybe some Damson Vodka (I have a spare demi-john) – but that leaves a load. Sorbet sounds delicious !. Tomorrow I have our second harvest of plump sloes for another load of Sloe Gin. You have just got to love the countryside.
Mark (Biddenden, Kent),
DR Larry este singurul doctor puternic și sincer de pe Internet,
Am contactat 3 medici diferiți și mi-au luat banii și nu au făcut nimic pentru a-mi rezolva problemele, până când am întâlnit un prieten care mi-a prezentat doctorul Larry,
I-am explicat situația mea, mi-a promis că totul va fi bine în 5 zile dacă urmez instrucțiunile, acum sunt foarte bucuros pentru că soțul meu s-a întors și totul este perfect în regulă și trebuie să spun că familia mea este una dintre cea mai fericită familie din lume în acest moment, totul datorită doctorului Larry,
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