We’re really excited about seeing the Flavour Geography courses expand in the future, the idea is that experts in regional cuisine from around the world come in and share their experience and teach the basic rules of the cuisine as well as some classic dishes from that region. We kicked off the series with a Flavour Geography: Japan course in January which got a great write up in the Birmingham Mail. The Japan course is taught by expert in Asian cuisine (amongst others) Lap-fai Lee. Lap will also be doing the next two courses which will both be happening in April – Flavour Geography: Sichuan and Flavour Geography: Chinese Bao and Dumplings. In the pipeline we have a Kerelan Thali course taught by Haseen George who also teaches our Dosa course, and hopefully an exploration of Italian cuisine too! Feel free to add ideas in the comments section for other regional cuisines and we’ll see if we can find the right tutor for the job. See below for details of the Sichuan and Bao and Dumplings courses. Hope to see you there!