We’re pleased to be supporting Kopfkino’s screening of ‘Syria’s Disappeared: The Case Against Assad’ at Stirchley Baths on March 16th. We’ll be bringing bakes from Kings Heath & Bearwood Action for Refugees’ Fundraiser Cookbook (which we contributed two recipes to last year.)
Proceeds from the evening will go directly to Kings Heath Action for Refugees and support their work helping refugees settling locally.
Tickets via Eventbrite. More info about the event & film below.
Afshar Films“™ documentary tells the hidden story of tens of thousands of men, women and children disappeared by the regime of President Bashar al Assad into a network of clandestine detention centres.
The film weaves together the powerful personal stories of three Syrians with evidence gathered from regime documentation smuggled out of Syria. With unprecedented access, the film follows survivors of detention, families of detainees, regime defectors and international war crimes investigators as they fight to bring the perpetrators to justice and desperately campaign for the release of the disappeared.
Pay what you can (suggested £3pp) all profits will go directly to Kings Heath Action for Refugees to support their work with refugees settling locally.
Before the film there will be a talk by Kings Heath Action for Refugees and refreshments by Loaf Community Bakery.
Bearwood & Kings Heath Action for Refugees have recently published a cookbook ‘This Cookbook Belongs To Us’. Copies will be available to purchase on the night of the event. This Cookbook Belongs To Us is a collection of recipes from Birmingham to Damascus, each with a different and personal story, celebrating the many cultures and cuisines enjoyed in Birmingham and Smethwick, from home cooked meals passed through the generations, to show-stopping restaurant recipes. Two Loaf recipes are featured in the book. All proceeds from book sales will aid refugees in transit.
18+. Please note the film deals with a distressing subject matter.
Doors at 6.30pm. The event will start promptly at 7pm with the talk by Kings Heath Action for Refugees. There will be a short film related to the subject matter 10mins long, swiftly followed by the main film, which has a running time of 48minutes. Estimated finish is 8.45pm.
“There is little consolation available for the victims of Syria”™s civil war. However, this film ponders the foundation of possible eventual retribution against the regime of President Assad: the work of war crimes investigator Bill Wiley, who is assembling documents and testimonies that could put Assad in the dock. It”™s iIllustrated with archive footage and interviews with survivors of Assad”™s prisons, much of which is inevitably gruelling.” Andrew Mueller – The Guardian.