Kids Snack Packs report

At the start of the summer break we announced our plan to prepare packs of snacks for kids whose families were struggling with the cost of living in the holidays and asked you for donations. We had a fantastic response from our customers and also Tricas, the construction company working on our new building over the road. We’re so grateful to you all.

This more than covered the snack pack costs and any leftover funds will be given to the B30 Food Bank this week. We also have a few snacks left which will go to the Cotteridge School food bank, a cupboard which any parent or guardian can access without asking.

We shouldn’t have to do this because there shouldn’t be the need. But there is, and like lots of other local independents, we wanted to offer a little something to bridge the gap.

Along with handing them out in the shop, we also brought onboard the Shed in Cotteridge Park to help with distribution when we were closed.

While we’re content with how things went, we’re actively thinking about how we can make this more accessible and reach more people. If this is the sort of area you have expertise in, please do get in touch with Sarah at

Kids lunches fundraising update

We’ve had an incredible response to our Free Kids Lunches programme this summer, reaching the capacity of what we can provide this week. We’re really happy we’ve been able top help feed a lot of kids, but us running out means there are more people out there who are struggling.

A society that allows people, especially children, to go hungry is not one we want to live in. Access to good food is right, not a privilege.

Thankfully it seems we’re not alone in thinking this. We’ve had over £400 in donations this week from those who were able, online, at the counter and in envelopes through the door. They came in all sizes — some small, some substantial, all of equal importance. We’re on track to cover our costs and the B30 Food Bank should expect a donation of the excess in September. Thanks to you all, and also to those to helped spread the word.

Emergency measures like this are important but long term change needs to happen. Please contact those able to make a change, starting with your MP.

During our shutdown we won’t be able to distribute lunches but we will do the final week of the holidays before school lunches are available again: 31 Aug — 2 Sep. There are a few left to reserve.

We’re taking donations for Free Kids Lunches

The response to our free kids lunches programme has been great. From a standing start we’ve given away loads of packed lunches to people who need them — no questions asked.

And then, without prompting, some of you asked if you could send us money to cover the costs, which led to some quite emotional scenes on the Loaf group chat. So we’re making it official.

Our fundraising for the summer holidays will go towards the material costs of the packed lunches. We will provide the labour and logistics. Any surplus will go to the B30 Food Bank.

If you are able (and please don’t feel bad if you are not), you can make a donation on the website or at the counter with your purchase.

Thank you.

Free lunches for kids this summer

During the summer holidays, to help cover the shortfall of free lunches while the schools are closed, we are giving away children’s packed lunches to anyone who needs them, no questions asked, and no purchase necessary.

We have a limited number available each day so we ask you to reserve them online.

They are available Wednesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons during opening hours.

Included in the bag will be:
1 x Cheddar or Jam Roll
1 x Pack of Pom Bears
1 x Piece of Fruit
1 x Chocolate Chip Cookie
1 x Cawston Press Juice Carton

Lunches will be available

  • July 27-29
  • Aug 3-5
  • Aug 10-12
  • (Loaf closed Aug 17-26)
  • Aug 31 – Sep 2

These lunches are not a promotional offer or anything like that. They are intended for families that rely on free school meals which are not available in the school holidays.